27. August 2019 at 14:48

Wildlife viewing: birds, bats, bears, and other animals

Slovaks are discovering the beauty of watching animals in their natural habitat.

Peter Dlhopolec


Devínske jazero and Východoslovenská nížina are some of the most popular spots for birdwatching. Devínske jazero and Východoslovenská nížina are some of the most popular spots for birdwatching. (source: Ján Dobšovič)
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Watching the life of a white stork in its nest from the comfort of our homes is not a problem in today’s world of technology. However, the observation of animals live on the internet cannot be compared to what people can see out on in the wild.

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Visiting nature to watch wild animals is an undemanding adventure and, equally, pleasant relaxation, during which animal lovers can expand their knowledge. The Spectacular Slovakia tourist guide writers, who partook in observing bats, owls, and other birds, recommend wildlife viewing.

“Every bird is different and stands out,” Soňa Mäkká of the Hiking.sk website said. She has already watched wild animals a few times. “For example, the raising of offspring by laying eggs in the nests of other birds is characteristic of the cuckoo.”

The rest of this article is premium content at Spectator.sk
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