Good evening. Here is theTuesday, June 27edition of Today in Slovakia - the main news of the day in less than five minutes.
Čaputová: I'm not the right fit for top NATO job
Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová told the public broadcaster RTVS the past weekend that she "has heard of the information" that some foreign media consider her a potential candidate for the post of the Alliance's secretary general.
"I take it as an honour towards the country that I represent," she continued, pointing to the country's responsible defence and security policy.
At the same time, she denied that she decided to not run for president again in 2024 due to an alleged job offer from NATO. Čaputová also said that she would not "specify what signals reached her" in this regard, but she noted that she does not see herself as a politician in the future.
Commenting on the top NATO job, she said that she considers it to be a very "important and expert" role, in particular because of the ongoing war in Ukraine.
"I don't think I should aspire for this post," the Slovak president claimed, stressing that her field of expertise is law, not security and defence.
More stories from The Slovak Spectator website
Public transport: All bus and tram stops in Košice will become request stops very soon.
Swimming: Here's a list of wild swimming spots across Slovakia that are currently suitable for swimming. The Slovak Spectator will update the list during the summer on a regular basis.
Hiking: Explore the new Warrior's Path in Slovak Paradise.
Slovak language: Do you know what "Ty kokso" or "Daj si padáka" means? If not, you had better read the latest Slovak Matters column.
Business: Firms in Košice and Bratislava need to change their business details due to the new judiciary reform.
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Sacral Art in the Slovak National Gallery
Explore the highlights of the long-term collection display Sacral Art in the Slovak National Gallery (SNG) in Bratislava, including a lost Gothic alter piece.
[fjúžn] on the road: Banská Štiavnica
The Milan Šimečka Foundation will hold another edition of its [fjúžn] on the road festival later this week, from June 30 to July 2, in Banská Štiavnica.
The festival focuses on foreigners and promotes diversity.
You can look forward to a walking tour, a discussion, concerts, a quiz, as well as an art exhibition. To get more information, follow the foundation on Facebook.
In other news
The Bratislava police are dealing with a website that disparages selected doctors performing abortions. An anonymous website mentions their names and calls them "abortionists who advocate the killing of unborn children."
In Slovakia, among the rights for the LGBT+ community, the possibility of adopting children for same-sex couples has the least support. As many as 27 percent of respondents supported this right in a recent poll conducted by the NMS Market Research Slovakia agency. Also, 37 percent of the population supports life partnerships for all couples regardless of gender.
Bratislava- The Old Town will increase the fee for creches from September. The monthly fee will change from the current €400 to €500 a month due to the inflation and high energy prices. The borough operates two creches. (TASR)
The European Commission has endorsed Slovakia's €6.4 billion modified recovery and resilient plan, including a REPowerEU chapter. The Council of the EU will now have, as a rule, four weeks to endorse the Commission's assessment.
WEATHER FOR WEDNESDAY: Partly cloudy. Occassional showers or rain in eastern and northern Slovakia. The highest daytime temperature will rise to 25°C. (SHMÚ)
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