18. October 2022 at 18:00

Police arrest an extremist from Bratislava gunman's manifesto

In a Tuesday resolution, MPs condemn the October 12 shooting.

People light candles outside Tepláreň Bar in Bratislava on October 13, 2022. People light candles outside Tepláreň Bar in Bratislava on October 13, 2022. (source: TASR - Pavol Zachar)
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Security forces had not registered the gunman who killed two LGBT+ people outside a gay bar last week as an extremist, but they are familiar with the international extremist community that Juraj K. referred to in his manifesto.

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Defence Minister Jaroslav Naď (OĽaNO) said the above on October 18, the SITA new agency wrote.

“Already in the spring, the Military Intelligence had identified a dangerous extremist who had appeared on the Internet under the nickname Slovakbro,” added the minister.

The intelligence service identified him with the help of the FBI and Czech partners fighting extremism and terrorism, he said.

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