15. December 2022 at 10:32

Drivers to pay more for highways in Slovakia

Authorities promise to boost highway investments.

Illustrative photo. Illustrative photo. (source: TASR)
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Drivers will pay more for their Slovak highway vignettes in 2023.

In Slovakia, motor vehicles pay for driving on the highways and dual carriage ways via two schemes. Passenger cars and motor vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes are obliged to pay for highways. Trucks and buses above 3.5 tonnes pay for kilometres driven under the electronic toll scheme.

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Slovak highway vignettes in 2023

365-day stamp - 60 eur

30-day stamp - 17 eur

10-day stamp - 12 eur

The vignettes can be purchased at filling stations, online at www.eznamka.sk, or through the Eznamka app.

Drivers will pay €10 more when purchasing a 365-day stamp. Instead of €50, the new price will be €60. The highway company will no longer sell the yearly stamp - instead, there will be just the 365-day stamp. The two used to confuse drivers according to Transport Minister Andrej Doležal (Sme Rodina nominee).

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Shorter-period stamps will also be more expensive. Drivers can purchase their 30-day stamp for €17, which is €3 more than before. The 10-day stamp’s price is increasing by €2 to €12 in total.

“The last time the prices of highway stamps were adjusted was in 2011. Since then, drivers have gained 300km of new highways available to them,” said Doležal.

The extra money should help with highway maintenance and investments, stated the National Highway Company (NDS). The amount estimated to be collected from the more expensive highway stickers is about €17 million without VAT in the span of the years 2023-2026, writes the TASR newswire.

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