31. July 2019 at 23:16

Kiska's party ready to register, others might follow

Ex-health minister Tomáš Drucker and ex-police president Tibor Gašpar also ponder going into politics.

Ex-president Andrej Kiska has collected 10,000 signatures for registration of his party, Za ľudí. Ex-president Andrej Kiska has collected 10,000 signatures for registration of his party, Za ľudí. (source: SITA)
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Former president Andrej Kiska and his team have collected enough signatures from voters, more than the required 10,000, to get his establishing political party registered, the Sme daily reported.

Yet it was only in early July that Juraj Šeliga posted photos on Facebook regarding how he is collecting signatures in support of Za ľudí (For the People), which is the name of Kiska's party.

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“One came after another, and there were soon several hundreds,” Šeliga wrote about his visit to and the collection of signatures in Trenčín and Žilina on July 4.

Šeliga is one of the most recognisable figures in Kiska's evolving party, due to his past involvement in the For a Decent Slovakia protests.

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