27. September 2019 at 09:50

October 2019: Top 10 events in Slovakia

Enjoy autumn in Slovak regions: experience Cabbage Days in Stupava and get scared at Slovak castles.

The oldest marathon in Europe, Peace Marathon in Košice, takes place in early October of 2019 The oldest marathon in Europe, Peace Marathon in Košice, takes place in early October of 2019 (source: TASR)
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October. The time when leaves turn yellow and red, eventually falling off the trees. It gets colder outside and the days become shorter. Yet, there are still great events to have fun at. How about kiting on a hill?

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There are plenty of events to choose from, including some frightening activities at Slovak castles ahead of Halloween:

  1. FOOD:Cabbage Days, October 4-6, Stupava

  2. EXHIBITION:Rafani: The Irrefutability of the Country Beyond the Horizon - Narcissus, New Synagogue, October 4, Žilina

  3. CONTEMPORARY ART: White Night, October 4-6, Košice

  4. SPORTS: Peace Marathon, October 6, Košice

  5. MUSIC:Feel the Roma Music, October 9, Trnava

  6. FILM:International Mountain Film Festival, October 9-13, Poprad

  7. FOOD:Soup Festival, October 12, Košice (postponed to November 30)

  8. MARKET:Trnavský rínek, October 12, Trnava

  9. LANGUAGE CAFÉ:BlaBlaBar #10 English Edition – Literature, October 13, Žilina

  10. SPOOKY DAYS:Ghosts at Slovak castles, October 22- 27, Holíč-Smolenice

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The first October weekend is traditionally about cabbage in the city of Stupava, western Slovakia. Although Slovaks use kapusta to describe cabbage, people in western Slovakia say “zelé”. One of the biggest festivals in this part of Slovakia tries to preserve traditions involving regional types of cabbage. Local folk bands, different sorts of cabbage soup, and a traditional fair attract thousands of visitors each year.

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