10. October 2019 at 23:03

Vadala sentenced by Italian courts for drug smuggling

His 'Ndrangheta mafia clan smuggled cocaine from South America.

Antonino Vadala at the Košice court session on April 20, which decided on his extradition. Antonino Vadala at the Košice court session on April 20, which decided on his extradition. (source: TASR)
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Mafioso Antonino Vadala, who has been doing business in eastern Slovakia and liked to have his picture taken with Smer politicians, was sentenced to nine years in prison by the Italian courts for smuggling drugs, the Ján Kuciak Investigative Centre informed.

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Vadala, a member of the 'Ndrangheta mafia group from Calabria, was heavily featured in the last, unfinished story, written by Kuciak before he was murdered.

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Police turn down a complaint concerning alleged calls between Fico and Vadala

State prosecutor Paola Tonini wanted all 18 people charged in the case to face a total of 206 years imprisonment, the Sme daily reported.

This included Vadala, for whom she originally proposed 11 years and four months in prison. Vadala and the remaining members of the group agreed on shortened proceedings in exchange for lower sentences.

He was eventually given an unconditional sentence of nine years and four months, Sme wrote.

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Clean cocaine

Italian investigators discovered that the ‘Ndrangheta clan were smuggling 99-percent pure cocaine from South America.

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