4. May 2020 at 13:20

State quarantine and state of emergency should be checked

The Srdcom Doma organisation questions the constitutionality of some steps adopted to fight the coronavirus.

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The Srdcom Doma organisation has voiced concerns over mandatory state quarantine and the country's declaration of a state of emergency. It wants the Constitutional Court to check the constitutionality of the steps taken by the Public Health Authority (ÚVZ) and the Government’s Office.

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In a blog post published on May 2, the organisation’s head Samuel Zubo pointed to the fact that a state of emergency can be declared “to a necessary extent and for a necessary period of time, but no longer than 90 days”, citing the Slovak Constitution.

The Peter Pellegrini government, however, declared an unlimited state of emergency, while the incumbent government of Igor Matovič has adopted several changes, without setting the deadline for their validity.

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