27. January 2021 at 17:15

Use of parasite medication to treat coronavirus patients approved in Slovakia

The Health Ministry approved the therapeutic use of Ivermectin for six months.

Health Minister Marek Krajčí Health Minister Marek Krajčí (source: TASR)
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Ivermectin, a medication used to treat many types of parasite infestations, can now be used to treat coronavirus patients in hospitals and obtained from pharmacies with a prescription.

The Health Ministry approved the therapeutic use of this medication for six months. It will be used with other treatments, its spokesperson Zuzana Eliášová said, as reported by the TASR newswire.

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The medication can be legally imported to Slovakia and given to patients. With such a step, the ministry fulfilled the request of the association of Slovak anaesthetists, the Denník N daily reported.

Animals only

Until now, Ivermectin was officially approved to be used only for animals, which is why people generally buy it abroad.

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