22. February 2021 at 11:32

Swinging into the sunset in Kysuce

A new swing was built in the village of Oščadnica. The creators were inspired by the one in Zázrivá.

(source: Margaréta Majáková)
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Kysuce has become a photo-worthy destination thanks to the beautiful sunset in Oščadnica.

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"It is a place that you can come to a hundred times and still experience a new and original view", Juraj Gavlák told the MY Kysuce weekly. He added that he and his friends used to sit there on a bench which was sadly removed after some time. ​

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​Together with his friends Roman Blahovec, Michal Hluzák, František Maják, Matej Zagrapan, Marek Lušňák, Patrik Šimalják, Barbora Šimaljáková, Marek Koza, and Martin Nečed, they came up with the idea of building a swing. They felt the project would bring people back to the memories of their childhood, offer a beautiful view, and surely become a popular target for influencers.

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