8. December 2021 at 11:39

Pandemic dominated Google searches in Slovakia in 2021

In the category of foreign personalities, Slovaks searched Lady Gaga the most.

(source: Unsplash)
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The first three positions of the most frequent Google searches are words linked to the pandemic and homeschooling. Most often Slovaks enter the words korona.gov.sk, Edupage and Bezkriedy into Google.

The first mentioned website is a governmental portal for current statistics, as well as valid measures and a registration form for vaccination or testing. The latter two websites are linked to schools.

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“Among the trends of the year are apps and websites for pupils and students that were helpful when schools were closed and served as communication tools for teachers, students and parents,” explained Alžbeta Houzarová, PR manager of Google for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The first ten phrases include census, Covid automat, vaccination, name of the vaccination lottery and eHranica system.

Popular searches for Pope Francis

Athletes dominated in the category of most-searched Slovak personalities. First place belongs to Slovak skier Petra Vlhová, who succeeded in winning the World Cup in alpine skiing in season 2020/2021. Second place goes to influencer Zuzana Plačková and third place to Boris Valábik, a former hockey player. Cyclist Peter Sagan was eighth, and the golfer and silver medalist from the Olympics, Rory Sabbatini, in fifth place. PM Eduard Heger is fourth and Finance Minister Igor Matovič sixth.

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Among foreign personalities, people in Slovakia searched the most often for singer Lady Gaga, actor Alec Baldwin and Pope Francis.

In the category of domestic and world events, Slovaks searched for the census the most, followed by the vaccination lottery and referendum, the Pope in Slovakia and Afghanistan.

Search phrases starting with “how” were dominated by the search “How to obtain a Covid pass”, “How to braid a whip” (Easter tradition), “For how long is the antigen test valid”, “How to register for vaccination” and “How to register for the vaccination campaign”.

Sweet and salty meals

In category of movies, people searched the most for Black Widow, Eternals, Dune, Známi Neznámi (Slovak-Czech version of the Italian film Perfetti sconosciuti) and Venom 2.

Among salty meals the most looked for were stewed vegetables with eggs and sausages (called lečo), followed by risotto and pizza. Sweet meals were dominated by šiška (a sweet dish that can be regarded as the Slovak counterpart to a typical doughnut), tiramisu and the braided sweet bread called vianočka.

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