(source: Judita Čermáková/Korzár)
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The train station in Košice has become a temporary shelter for refugees fleeing from Ukraine.

These are mostly students from third countries who decided to run from danger. They sit on the ground, lay on the stairs, standing around and looking for opportunities on how to leave Košice.

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We just wanted to study

Police are maintaining order in the station building. While reporters were present, there were no indications that there could be a problem.

“We arrived with a friend from Ukraine. We are going home, to Morocco. We are students. There is a terrible situation in Ukraine, we are fearing for our lives. We just wanted to study there and not be in a war zone,” said a student from Ukraine. “We are very glad that we were able to leave. I'm sorry I don't want to talk about it, it gives me chills.”

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