This Saturday, Slovaks will mark Pride Bratislava for the first time since two of our fellow citizens were brutally murdered because of their sexual orientation last October. It is tempting to let that dark episode breed pessimism or even depression. But we believe brighter days lie on the horizon – if we choose to march in that direction.
Imagine, for a moment, that one day Slovak society is as tolerant as any in Europe. One where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual and Intersexual (LGBTI) people believe their national government effectively combats prejudice and intolerance, and where LGBTI people feel no need to hide their identity.
A fantasy, you say?
On the contrary, this is the evolutionary path recently taken by Ireland. A country that was resistant to change and hostage to status quo just a generation ago, Ireland is now one of the European Union (EU) countries where LGBTI people feel they can be most open about their identity and that their national government combats intolerance.
Until as recently as 1993, homosexuality was considered a crime under Irish law. And yet, eight years ago, Ireland became the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage by popular vote. In May 2015, 62% of the Irish electorate ignored the instructions of its once-dominant Catholic cardinals and bishops and voted in favour of gay marriage. Even constituencies which had previously voted against reforming divorce and abortion laws backed the campaign to legalise same-sex marriage.
Ireland's prime minister at the time, Enda Kenny, was quoted in The Guardian as saying, “In the privacy of the ballot box, the people made a public statement." He went on to say, "We have disclosed who we are. We are a generous, compassionate, bold and joyful people, who say yes to inclusion."
The overwhelmingly high Yes vote marked a key milestone in Ireland’s social revolution towards a more open, tolerant society. Two years later, Leo Varadkar, an openly gay minister in Ireland's government, was elected the world's fifth openly gay or lesbian prime minister. (Today, openly LGBTI national leaders also include President Edgars Rinkēvičs of Latvia, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel of Luxembourg, and Prime Minister Ana Brnabić of Serbia.)
If a country as homogenous as Ireland -- where 98% of citizens speak mainly English and 81% of the population are Catholics, according to Eurobarometer -- can become so tolerant of diversity, then a country with a more diverse population like Slovakia can too. Twenty-one percent of Slovaks speak a language other than Slovak as their mother tongue, and 23% of the population are Protestant, Orthodox, atheist or agnostic.
We Slovaks want to live in a country where we feel free to pursue our dreams of a happy, healthy life (however each of us defines it), safe from verbal harassment and physical abuse. This is the promise of Europe. We know we can move in that direction, because we have already made great progress in terms of freedom, democracy, and rule of law over the last 30 years. But progress is not inevitable.
What steps will move us forward? Here are five things you, as a citizen, can do now:
Show empathy with the LGBTI community. Speak up and act even if you don’t feel impacted because you are, at least indirectly – family structures are already more diverse than in the past, and statistics indicate someone in your family, class or organisation is LGBTI. Bratislava Pride is a great opportunity for allies to march in solidarity. So too will be Košice Pride next month.
Support teachers, school administrators and civil society initiatives that raise awareness and implement inclusive educational programmes to promote understanding, tolerance and acceptance. Schools and communities need support programs, safe spaces, accessible mental health resources and counseling services.
Stand with leaders who represent a tolerant society, be it the Head of State, national, regional or local officials. Reject hostile statementsby politicians and other leaders, which serve to isolate, divide, undermine or intimidate marginalised communities.
Call for your elected representatives to persist in their efforts for reform. In the past two years, Progressive Slovakia (PS) attempted to introduce registered partnerships, and Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) drafted amendments to effectively introduce life partnerships. Both welcome efforts were unsuccessful in passing Parliament, but deserve another chance. In addition to granting any couple – regardless of gender – inheritance rights, entitlement to decide about medical treatments, and compensation in the event of death or injury at work, there’s a need to strengthen definitions of procedural harassment in the anti-discrimination law, and introduce hate crime legislation.
Vote for change at the national level in September. Also, in the coming 12 months before Pride 2024, do so again in the Presidential elections and the European elections.
When we citizens choose these actions, then Slovakia can traverse the same path as Ireland. Let's take pride in being similarly European. Let's take pride in our diversity.
Lucia Kleštincová and Rick Zedník are Co-Presidents of Volt Slovensko. Mikuláš Lakatoš is Regional Co-Lead of Volt Slovensko.
Author: Lucia Kleštincová, Mikuláš Lakatoš