On Saturday, on the occasion of the Day of Planetariums and Observatories, a partial solar eclipse will be visible from Slovakia. In case of good weather - unfortunately, at the moment the forecast is not good - the eclipse will be observable around noon.
A lot will depend on where you are
However, the time it begins will depend on where you are. For example, in Bratislava, western Slovakia, the partial eclipse will start to be visible at 11:44 and cease at around 12:54. If you are in Banská Bystrica, central Slovakia, it will begin at around 11:49 and end at 12:55. Meanwhile, residents of Košice in eastern Slovakia will have to wait until 11:56 to actually see something. For them, the eclipse will last until 12:53.
However, the eclipse maximum - when the Moon obscures the most amount of the Sun - will occur between 12:15 and 12:23. Click here to see the precise time for various towns.
According to the Astronomy Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Sun will appear in Slovakia as if someone has cut off a small piece in its upper right. Between 1.8 percent to 6 percent of the star will be obscured when observed from Čierna nad Tisou, south-eastern Slovakia and Holíč in western Slovakia, respectively.
The best conditions for the observation will be in Quebec, Canada, where 94.8 percent of the disc of the Sun will be obscured.
Safety first
However, be careful when observing the partial eclipse. Except when the Moon completely obscures the Sun, it is not safe to look directly at the Sun without eye protection. Also, never use camera lens, binoculars or a telescope without a solar filter in front of the optics. Regular sunglasses, no matter how dark, are not suitable for observing the Sun, just as floppy disks.
Welding goggles with a shade level of at least 12 and 14 are suitable, or special eclipse glasses that can be bought at observatories.
If you have neither, you can use a simple DIY device called a pinhole projector that allows you to view the Sun indirectly. All you need is a cardboard box, a white sheet of paper and aluminum foil. Create a hole in a side of the box and tape the foil over it. Punch a pinhole into the foil. Next, tape the paper into the opposite side of the box. Don't forget to make an opening that allows you to look into the box. During the partial eclipse, orient yourself so that the Sun is behind you. The sun will be projected onto the paper.
The best option would be to attend an event at a planetarium or observatory near you. In addition to lectures, experts will show you how to safely observe the phenomenon. Click here to learn what type of events are near you, including whether there is admission to pay.
Even in case of bad weather, the institutions will still hold events on the occasion of the Day of Planetariums and Observatories, allowing you to learn more about our star.