24. February 2025 at 18:25

River below popular Slovak Paradise trail freezes over, have a look

Walking on ice not recommended at the moment.

The Prielom Hornádu trail in the Slovak Paradise National Park. The Prielom Hornádu trail in the Slovak Paradise National Park. (source: ​ HZS)
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Last week, parts of the upper Hornád River in the Slovak Paradise National Park called Prielom Hornádu froze over, lending to a beautiful look down from the usual hiking trail.

If the weather is consistently cold enough, visitors may even take to the frozen surface of the river itself. Such ideal conditions occur only rarely and this time around it was not an exception as the local Mountain Rescue Service warned against walking on the ice, reports Korzár.

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However, you can have a look at the river in this gallery.

The Prielom Hornádu trail in eastern Slovakia is open all year round.

Hiking starts in Podlesok-Hrabušice and ends in Čingov, and goes both directions. The hike is almost 12 kilometres long and blue markers show the way. If you set out in winter, warm and weatherproof clothes, hiking shoes, ice axes, crampons and trekking poles are the best equipment to have. The trail, as well as other in the Slovak Paradise, include climbing irons, and chains covered with ice.

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