8. September 2008 at 15:30

Mečiar blasts Lipšic on behalf of Harabin

While in Nitra on September 6 HZDS chairman Vladimír Mečiar reiterated his support for embattled Justice Minister Štefan Harabin, who had survived a no-confidence vote in parliament two days earlier.

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While in Nitra on September 6 HZDS chairman Vladimír Mečiar reiterated his support for embattled Justice Minister Štefan Harabin, who had survived a no-confidence vote in parliament two days earlier.

The vote was initiated by KDH MP and former justice minister Daniel Lipšic, who has accused Harabin of ties to Albanian Mafia boss Baki Sadiki.

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"No credible evidence against Harabin was submitted during the vote,” Mečiar declared. “There was nothing apart from a recorded interview.”

Mečiar said he regards Harabin's outburst, in which he called Lipšic a “dirty bastard who should go to jail,” an error into which Harabin was provoked. Mečiar noted that Lipšic has been dogging the minister for some time, and claimed media bias.

"Why should one party in a dispute be preferred?” Mečiar said. “Lipšic is who’s guilty.”

"Don't make a lamb out of Lipšic,” Mečiar added. “He is not a lamb." TASR

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Compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská from press reports
The Slovak Spectator cannot vouch for the accuracy of the information presented in its Flash News postings.

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