16. April 2021 at 16:11

State institution in Slovakia became target of ransomware attacks

The National Security Authority is urging them to secure and backup their systems immediately.

Slovakia registered serious ransomware attacks on Friday, April 16. Slovakia registered serious ransomware attacks on Friday, April 16. (source: pixabay)
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The National Security Authority (NBÚ) has registered a series of significant ransomware attacks on targets in Slovakia. It is urging all companies and institutions in the country to immediately secure and back up their systems against a potential attack.

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“At the moment, the National Cyber ​​Security Center SK-CERT cannot provide more details publicly due to the sensitivity of the matter,” the NBÚ informed on social networks.

During the next few hours the NBÚ will publish information about the development of the situation on its website and Facebook profile.

The rest of this article is premium content at Spectator.sk
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