14. July 2020 at 10:38

Dean of the prestigious Slovak IT faculty stays. A lot of his staff is leaving

Rector submitted the proposal to remove him from function, academic senate supported dean.

Dean Ivan Kotuliak Dean Ivan Kotuliak (source: Sme/Marko Erd)
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Ivan Kotuliak remains the dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies (FIIT) of Slovak University of Technology.

Academic staff to leave FIIT STU over its dean’s actions
Academic staff to leave FIIT STU over its dean’s actions

The academic senate upheld him in its Monday vote, held upon the proposal of STU Rector Miroslav Fikar on the grounds that Kotuliak had lost his trust.

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The rector took the step on the heels of events that unfolded over the past few months at Slovakia's most prestigious IT faculty, culminating in 26 academic staff resigning due to quarrels with the faculty management.

To remove Kotuliak from the position, 23 votes of the academic senate were needed, but only 18 senate members voted for his removal, the Sme daily reported.

Criticism from outside

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