10. May 2016 at 05:58

MFA launches official website for the Slovak EU Presidency

All elements will be fully functional as of July 1, when Slovakia assumes the EU Council presidency.

Foreign Minister Minister Lajčák Foreign Minister Minister Lajčák (source: TASR)
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Slovakia’s Foreign and European Affairs Ministry launched a key communication channel on May 9 for the Slovak Presidency of the EU Council in the second half of 2016 - the official website eu2016.sk.

“Every presiding country communicates via a website,” said Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák as cited by the TASR newswire. “We’ve made sure to have our presidency website comprehensive, well arranged, dynamic and intuitive. We want our website to serve as the first choice for everyone interested in Slovakia’s first EU Council presidency ever.”

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Apart from news, the website will also bring information on the presidency’s agenda and priorities, budgetary issues and key events. All elements will be fully functional as of July 1, when Slovakia assumes the EU Council presidency.

“We want to see Slovakia’s EU Council presidency contribute towards the presentation of the country,” said Ivan Korčok, State Secretary of the Slovak Foreign and European Affairs Ministry and Plenipotentiary of the Government for Presidency in the Council of the European Union. “It’s important to offer relevant information and interesting content to visitors. They’ll learn all key issues on our presidency and Slovakia as such from this website.”

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The website is available in four languages: Slovak, English, French and German. It is designed to serve journalists, politicians and other officials, experts, NGOs and the general public.

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