21. October 2019 at 23:33

Judge steps down for exchanging messages with Kočner

Several people have resigned after appearing in the Threema communication so far.

Compiled by Spectator staff , TASR ,

Editorial , Newswire

David Lindtner David Lindtner (source: Sme/Jozef Jakubčo)
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Another judge is leaving his post due to the Threema communication found on Marian Kočner's phone. District Court Bratislava III Chairman David Lindtner has resigned, Justice Minister Gábor Gál informed on Monday, October 21.

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Lindtner has thus reacted to the published suspicions that he had communicated with Marian Kočner via the encrypted messaging app Threema. The information was published by the Postoj news website.

“I accepted the resignation because the things that happened were not acceptable,” said Gál, as quoted by the TASR newswire. “He is a very good expert, but he did not manage the situation and failed.”

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