5. November 2019 at 16:12

Kočner’s judges: Who has stepped down because of Threema so far? (overview)

Threema messages show Kočner engaged in interfering with justice as well as corruption in courts.

(source: Sme)
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Who is who?
What was the reaction of other judges?
What does the Judicial Council say?
What do the Constitutional Court judges say?

Who is who?

Monika Jankovská

Police seized mobile phones of judges and ex-state secretary due to corruption suspicions
Related story:
Police seized mobile phones of judges and ex-state secretary due to corruption suspicions

Former state secretary Monika Jankovská resigned from her ministry post after the alleged Threema communication between her and Marian Kočner was leaked to the media.

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When she quit as state secretary, she returned to work as a judge of the Bratislava Regional Court. She has been on sick leave since.

Justice Minister Gábor Gál filed a disciplinary motion against her and she is currently suspended from her function of judge.

Andrea Haitová

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