31. May 2020 at 09:35

Popular lake near Banská Štiavnica to get promenade

The wooden walkway will stretch for about 350 metres along the banks of the lake.

(source: OOCR RS/BBSK)
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The eastern banks of lake Počúvadlo near Banská Štiavnica will soon be enhanced by a promenade running over the water's surface. Banská Štiavnica and its surroundings hide many beautiful places; discover them with our Slovakia travel guide.

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The promotion of the lake is one of the popular touristic aims of the district of Banská Štiavnica. “One of the weaker points of the lake is the accessibility of the main recreational area,” said director of the Regional Organisation of Tourism, Region Štiavnica, Igor Kuhn, as quoted by the SITA newswire. “Pedestrians must frequent a road often used by cars. There is no path for those on foot.”

To increase safety, they decided to build a walkway for pedestrians above the water's surface. Kuhn said that the plan should have approval from bathers, fishermen, boaters and so on.

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Inspiration for the promenade came from other similar projects in Europe. The wooden path, 350 metres long and 1.8 metres wide, will stand on oak piles and will be located along the banks of the lake. At several points, there will be small jetties for fishermen.

The first phase of the construction should be finished this year and the second, final phase should be completed in 2021.

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Banská Štiavnica Banská Štiavnica (source: Spectacular Slovakia)

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