26. June 2020 at 16:28

Investigative reporter finds a bullet in his mailbox

The Slovak journalist has been working on the team that Kuciak was part of before he was killed.

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An investigative reporter, who is a member of the editorial team that Ján Kuciak worked for before he was killed, found a bullet in the mailbox at his home on Thursday (June 25) morning.

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The journalist who works for the Aktuality.sk news website, Peter Sabo, has previously written about the underworld in the western-Slovak town of Sereď, scandals linked to former justice minister Gábor Gál, the VAT fraudsters from southern Slovakia and the recently publicised Dobytkár (Stock Farmer) police action that saw some prominent figures land in custody on corruption charges and the murky circumstances of the Mochovce nuclear power plant completion.

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