23. June 2021 at 11:36

First Delta variant case confirmed in Slovakia

The labs confirmed the strain in a positive sample from a person who returned from Russia.

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Laboratory tests have confirmed the Delta variant in Slovakia, which was first identified in India.

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“The B.1.617.2 strain was identified in a positive sample from a person who came from Russia,” said virologist Boris Klempa of the Biomedical Research Centre of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (BMC SAV).

The person had no close contacts and is not hospitalised. He/she is currently in home isolation and adhering to all anti-pandemic measures, chief hygienist Ján Mikas added.

The Delta variant is defined as the “variant of concern” by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). This means that it is necessary to focus on such variants as there is usually clear evidence indicating a significant impact on transmissibility, severity and/or immunity likely to have an impact on the epidemiological situation in the EU/EEA.

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Sticking to anti-pandemic rules inside and outside the country is especially important to reduce the risk of spreading the virus and its variants, Mikas added.

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Delta variant to shake up Slovak summer. Football match in Budapest may have been a critical moment

Read more about the coronavirus developments in Slovakia:

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