26. September 2023 at 15:00

What the US ambassador learned about his barber from their Soros chat

US Ambassador Gautam Rana believes that it’s important to begin a dialogue and try to understand why some believe disinformation.

Peter Dlhopolec


Slovakia will obtain 160 Oshkosh vehicles for $190 million from the US. They should arrive in Slovakia in 2025. Acting Defence Minister Martin Sklenár and US Ambassador Gautam Rana after signing a deal in Bratislava on July 20, 2023. Slovakia will obtain 160 Oshkosh vehicles for $190 million from the US. They should arrive in Slovakia in 2025. Acting Defence Minister Martin Sklenár and US Ambassador Gautam Rana after signing a deal in Bratislava on July 20, 2023. (source: TASR/Jaroslav Novák)
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One year into his posting to Slovakia, US Ambassador Gautam Rana believes that Slovakia and America will continue to have a great relationship after the September election. In this interview with The Slovak Spectator, he also highlights the importance of talking to people influenced by disinformation, and explains why it is hard to ban the Russian Embassy in Slovakia from Facebook.

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I have read that your acquaintances compared your posting to Slovakia to a jackpot win. Do you share this view one year into your ambassadorial appointment?

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