9. September 2024 at 21:48

Filipino killed in Bratislava may get memorial

Jablko civic association behind initiative.

(source: SME)
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Henry Acorda, a Filipino beaten to death in Bratislava's city centre in 2018, could get a memorial or a place of remembrance. The Jablko (Apple) civic association is behind the idea.

"The aim is to preserve the memory of an innocent victim, the tragically deceased Henry Acorda," Bratislava spokesman Peter Bubla told the TASR newswire, adding that the city and the civic association signed a memorandum of cooperation in May.

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Near the place of attack

The intention has already been assessed, consulted and procedurally guided by the Commission for Works in Public Space, the Bratislava Mayor’s advisory body for the assessment of artworks in public space.

The construction of the memorial will be preceded by an art and architectural design competition verified by the Slovak Chamber of Architects. The organisation of the competition will be the responsibility of the civic association. Its task is to prepare not only the tender conditions, but also launch a public collection to cover the costs of both the tender and the work itself.

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The tender is to be conducted in a design & build format, which means that the winner of the tender will ensure the implementation of the work. Two members of the tender jury will be nominated by the capital city.

"The tender's timetable, and so the installation date of the work in the public space is under the control of OZ Jablko," said Bubla. He adds that the work should be installed at the beginning of Obchodná Street near the site where Acorda was attacked. The city has ensured the care and maintenance of the work, once its ownership has been acquired.

Attacker released

Henry Acorda was assaulted by Juraj Hossu on May 26, 2018, in the early hours of the morning after he tried to stop Hossu, who was harassing two women. A CCTV camera captured Hossu attacking Acorda and kicking him in the head shortly after 4:30. A police patrol was called in and arrested the attacker.

Paramedics took the unconscious Acorda to Ružinov Hospital. Acorda succumbed to his injuries at the end of May. The attacker was sentenced to a nine-year unconditional prison term for manslaughter in 2019. He was released on parole by the court in 2023. He spent less than three years in prison.

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