26. July 2023 at 05:08

How to make creamy Slovak cucumber salad

What is more cooling than cucumber?

Creamy Slovak cucumber salad Creamy Slovak cucumber salad (source: Naomi Hužovičová)
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When the weather gets hot, all I want to eat are foods that are light and cool. Cucumber fits the bill exactly.

My Slovak mother-in-law makes this salad when her garden is bursting with extra cucumbers. The small ones are used to can dill pickles, and the bigger ones get turned into this cucumber salad, mixed with cream or sour cream. Sour cream will make a thicker dressing.

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It's easy, quick, and refreshing but also filling for a salad, the perfect combination for summer food. Nobody wants to slave away over a hot stove when it's already hot out.

The cucumber releases liquid quickly, so eat it right away.


  • 500 grams cucumber

  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

  • 2 teaspoons vinegar

  • 1/3 to 1/2 cup whipping cream or sour cream

  • 1 clove garlic (optional)

  • fresh dill, chopped (optional)

  • pepper to taste


Step 1

Slice cucumbers thinly, for example with a mandoline slicer. Grate garlic clove on the small holes of your grater, if including garlic.

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Step 2

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and eat immediately. Simple summer food.

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