10. November 2014 at 00:00

Kosovar artists will arrive to Slovakia

THE CONTEMPORARY art, film and theatre production of young artists from Kosovo will be presented in Slovakia within the This is Kosovo! project.

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THE CONTEMPORARY art, film and theatre production of young artists from Kosovo will be presented in Slovakia within the This is Kosovo! project.

The artists will visit four Slovak cities between November 9 and 15 where they will offer a photo exhibition, theatre performance, films, concerts and discussions, the TASR newswire wrote.

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The whole event is organised by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society from the country’s capital Pristina and Balkans Gateway from Bratislava in cooperation with cultural organisations from the hosting Slovak cities: KC Dunaj in Bratislava, Club Lúč in Trenčín, Stanica Žilina-Záriečie a Tabačka Kulturfabrik in Košice. The main aim is to show what young people in Kosovo do and how they reflect their life in the country, its past and its future.

“Kosovo is a country with the youngest population in Europe which went through a war 15 years ago and its existence is doubted by some countries, including Slovakia, even today,” Lucia Klapáčová from Balkans Gateway said, as quoted in the press release. “Kosovo evokes emotions, but also questions and interest. We hope that through films, discussions, exhibitions and theatre we bring to Slovakia we will satisfy the curiosity of Slovaks.”

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The artists are no greenhorns in the field. They all have remarkable careers and have presented their work not only in the Balkans, but also at various festivals and in galleries across Europe and the world.

“It is unique that we managed to bring them to Slovakia in such a compact form,” said Eliška Sláviková, one of the organisers, as quoted in the press release.

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