24. January 2023 at 20:17

News digest: Tesla cars also seeing price drops in Slovakia

Your motorway vignettes guide, the number of Ukrainian pupils in Slovak schools, and an award for President Čaputová.

Peter Dlhopolec


The Ružín water reservoir near Margecany, eastern Slovakia, on January 23, 2023. The Ružín water reservoir near Margecany, eastern Slovakia, on January 23, 2023. (source: TASR - František Iván)
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Good evening. Here is the Tuesday, January 24 edition of Today in Slovakia - the main news of the day in less than five minutes.

Cheaper than before: Tesla cars

Tesla has reduced the prices of its cars so much that its electric Models 3 and Y with basic equipment are comparable to electric models from the carmakers Škoda, Volkswagen, and Kia. Tesla has reduced the prices of its cars so much that its electric Models 3 and Y with basic equipment are comparable to electric models from the carmakers Škoda, Volkswagen, and Kia. (source: SITA-AP)

In response to reduced demand, the Tesla carmaker surprisingly lowered the prices of its electric cars recently, making them cheaper not only in the US, but in Asia and Europe as well.

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Better prices also apply if you want to buy a car from Slovakia, but you will be at a disadvantage when placing an order.

Last year, the carmaker delivered 1.3 million vehicles to customers, an increase of 40 per cent compared to the previous year, but the number still fell short of expectations. The outlook is not positive either, as pre-orders have decreased.

Other stories from The Slovak Spectator website

  • Archaeology: A stone spear point, the age of which is about 40,000 to 50,000 years old, has been found in the Trnava Region.

  • Education: The Education Ministry has promised scholarships for students who would study at Slovak universities, but it took the ministry months to provide funding.

  • Investment: What conditions have to be met to receive investment aid from state?

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Guide: Tips on how to save money on motorway vignettes in this part of Europe

The M30 motorway between Miszkolc, Hungary, and the Slovak-Hungarian border crossing in Tornyosnémeti. The M30 motorway between Miszkolc, Hungary, and the Slovak-Hungarian border crossing in Tornyosnémeti. (source: TASR – František Iván)

Slovakia is not the only European country that decided to make motorway vignettes more expensive. Here's a selection of countries in the region and the prices of motorway vignettes in 2023.

In a few lines:

  • The Trnava-based carmaker Stellantis suspended production on Tuesday due to a shortage of components. The situation for the next days is unclear.

  • 10,127 pupils from Ukraine attend Slovak schools, the Education Ministry has said.

On January 24, 2023, President Zuzana Čaputová received the Schwarzkopf European Award in Berlin. In her speech, she drew attention to the increasing polarisation in society and appealed for a return to values. On January 24, 2023, President Zuzana Čaputová received the Schwarzkopf European Award in Berlin. In her speech, she drew attention to the increasing polarisation in society and appealed for a return to values. (source: TASR - Katarína Bačová)
  • Podunajsko National Park, to be declared in the southwest of Slovakia, should have 18,000 hectares. It will be the first lowland-type national park and become the tenth national park in Slovakia, the Environment Ministry said.

  • Former finance minister and OĽaNO chair Igor Matovič has officially become an MP. On Wednesday, lawmakers discussed a constitutional change that would make an early election possible. Parliament should vote on the change tomorrow before midday.

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WEATHER FOR WEDNESDAY: Skies will be clear or partly cloudy. In some places, especially at night and in the morning, you can expect fog and cloudy skies. Light precipitation is also expected here and there. The daytime temperature will be from 2°C to 7°C, or 0°C in northern Slovakia. Light wind. Fog warnings remain in place for Wednesday and Thursday. (SHMÚ)

Thank you for reading The Slovak Spectator.

P.S. If you have suggestions on how this news overview can be improved, you can reach us at editorial@spectator.sk.

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