3. February 2014 at 00:00

Polish recipes: Bigos

Ingredients and preparation.

Beata Balogová


(source: Jana Liptáková)
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Ingredients: 1.5 kg pickled cabbage, 500g pork (ham, shoulder, etc.), 500g beef (boneless), 12 real penny buns (prawdziwki), 10 prunes, 2 bay leaves, 2 onions, 1 tbsp of lard, 1 glass of red wine, a few pepper seeds, allspice berries, juniper berries, salt, pepper.

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Preparation: Chop the cabbage and pour a small amount of water over it; add the spices and boil together for 1.5 hours. Boil dried mushrooms separately then add to the boiling cabbage. Cut the meat into small pieces and fry it in lard until it turns golden. Add the wine and simmer for a few minutes. Fry the ham and chopped onions separately. Add everything to the boiling cabbage and boil for another hour. At the end, add the plums, cut into strips, to the cabbage with salt, pepper and the rest of the wine. Sweeten with sugar or honey. Bigos tastes better after a few days and multiple

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Polish cuisine:
Polish dumplings – Pierogi
Zander in Polish sauce
Red Borscht
Cheesecake (Sernik)
Small Dumplings (similar to Italian tortellini) - Uszka
White borscht – Żurek

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