The government has declared state of emergency in Slovakia, to apply as of 12:00 today.
The state of emergency is declared in connection with the mass influx of foreigners to Slovakia, fleeing from the war in Ukraine. The government is now able to declare state of emergency for this purpose based on the amended law that was passed yesterday.
Meanwhile, state or emergency that has been declared earlier in connection with the pandemic is still in effect.
Slovakia will donate military material worth €2.6 million and material owned by the Administration of State Material Reserves worth €8.405 million, the government decided during its Saturday's session.
As Defence Minister Jaroslav Naď (OĽaNO) specified, Slovakia will send to Ukraine 10 million litres of diesel, 2.4 million litres of aviation fuel and 12,000 pieces of 120mm ammunition. The aid is worth around €11 million in total, he added.