2. April 2024 at 21:19

Chandelier torn down with bucket: Easter calls for its bill

Curious insurance claims include broken legs or demolished cars.

Celebrating Easter in Trenčianske Stankovce (Trenčín Region). Celebrating Easter in Trenčianske Stankovce (Trenčín Region). (source: TASR)
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Not just tables full of delicacies and rejoicings accompany Easter, but also curious insurance claims.

Among repeated Easter claims, there are cases related to the preparation of Easter decorations and household cleaning, but the most numerous involve accidents and property damage caused by men visiting the homes of their family relatives or friends on Eastern Monday. On this day in Slovakia, men tap women with a willow switch and pour perfume or water over them.

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Although the Easter holidays are among the quieter days in terms of the number of insurance claims - on average a third fewer claims occur throughout - they are not without their share of truly curious damages, Katarína Ondra, spokesperson of the Generali insurance company, noted in a press release.

“The most common injuries reported to us by clients are those caused by slips or tripping while women are trying to escape,” she said. “We also receive reports of various dislocations or sprains in the shower or bathtub as women try to escape the cold water. Overall, injuries account for more than half of all reported claims during the Easter holidays.”

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Here is a selection of curious claims:

Easter Monday in the hospital

A doctor on duty at the hospital apparently wanted to make the festive day, which he was spending with other colleagues at work, more enjoyable by deciding to douse his female colleagues with water. He started to chase one with water. But she accidentally slipped and broke her femur in her attempt to escape. She was treated for this injury for about half a year.

Broken leg in the bath

In a curious twist, another client was also injured on Easter. The men, in an attempt to douse her with water, placed her in the tub in such an unlucky position that her leg twisted on the slippery surface of the tub, causing her to suffer a fracture with a healing time of up to eight weeks.

Flooded flat and neighbours

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During Easter Monday, some men were pouring water into the bathtub, which they forgot to stop. Afterwards, they moved to the living room for a treat. Only a few hours after they left did the dwellers notice the flooded hallway, bathroom and other areas where water had damaged the household furnishings, also leaking down to the neighbours below their flat.

The chandelier torn down with a bucket

A man arrived on Easter Monday equipped with a large willow switch. As he was chasing the landlady with it, he caught hold of the chandelier. In addition to the broken chandelier, there was also a short circuit in the electrical wiring in the house.

A cleaning mop damaged a neighbour’s car

A client managed to damage her neighbour’s car during Easter cleaning. While washing the windows, the mop with the attachment slipped out of her hands and tumbled down to the street. The mop picked up considerable speed while falling from the fifth floor, damaging the car parked under the windows of her flat.

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