11. March 2016 at 00:13

Hyperloop could connect Bratislava and Vienna

HYPERLOOP Transportation Technologies (HTT) has reached a deal with the Slovak government to explore building a system connecting Bratislava with Vienna and Budapest, the American magazine Verge reported.

(source: SITA/AP)
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The new system would enable people and goods to travel at high speed by tube.

“A transportation system of this kind would both redefine the concept of commuting and boost cross-border cooperation in Europe,” said Slovak Economy minister Vazil Hudák, as quoted by Verge.

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There is, however, no pre-investment agreement, according to the ministry’s spokesperson Miriam Žiaková.

“A memorandum of understanding has been signed which we are publishing and which is a preliminary investment agreement,” Žiaková told the Sme daily.

But the hyperloop project in Slovakia is merely science fiction, according to Transport and Economy Institute head Ondrej Matej.

“If anything about this was real we would witness pilot projects in countries which have much bigger problems with transport than Slovakia,” Matej told Sme.

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