3. October 2016 at 22:14

Slovakia is the second most corrupt country in Europe, a report shows

The World Economic Forum has published its annual index of corruption as part of the report about global competitiveness.

(source: SITA)
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The World Economic Forum annually assesses the competitive landscape of 138 economies. While Slovakia ended 65th in the Global Competitiveness Index, up from 67th position one year ago, it is the second most corrupt country in Europe, the website of the Hospodárske Noviny daily points out.

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The conclusions of the Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017 are based on surveys held among 15,000 leading managers from assessed countries collected between February and June of this year.

The corruption index is based on answers to questions related to areas of diversion of public funds, public trust in politicians and irregular payments and bribes.

In Europe, Slovakia and the Ukraine share the second worst position in the corruption index where they both have a score of 2.72. Only one European country had a worse score – Moldova – 2.36. All other members of the Visegrad Group scored more: Hungary 3.16, which secured it seventh position. The Czech Republic with a score of 3.33 shares the ninth place with Albania. Poland is 14th with a score of 3.7. Finland was first with a score of 6.3.

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The country report for Slovakia shows that corruption, tax rates and inefficient government bureaucracy are the three most problematic factors for doing business in Slovakia.

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