17. July 2019 at 22:04

Carcinogenic asbestos found under the Bratislava ring road construction site

The consortium responsible for its construction has five days to remove it.

Construction works on the Bratislava ring road project. Construction works on the Bratislava ring road project. (source: TASR)
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The latest samples of soil taken from embankments of the Bratislava ring road construction project, built by the consortium around the Spanish company Cintra, confirmed the occurrence of prohibited substances, including asbestos, as reported by the Sme daily.

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Asbestos, the use of which is not allowed in Slovakia, does not threaten people’s health once it is dug in the ground. However, manipulation with asbestos may be dangerous and cause cancer.

Bratislava ring road is closer
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Bratislava ring road is closer

“All motorways have to meet not only the technical but also environmental criteria,” said Transport Minister Arpád Érsek, as quoted by Sme.

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