5. December 2019 at 14:13 Modified at 5. dec 2019

UPDATED: Fico charged with defamation and inciting hatred

Smer plans to initiate a session of the parliamentary defence and security committee.

Robert Fico Robert Fico (source: SITA)
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Three-time prime minister Robert Fico could face time in prison for defending a former far-right MP in a video.

“Milan Mazurek only said what nearly the whole nation thinks,” Fico said in a video published on Facebook on September 6. “If you punish someone for telling the truth, you make him a national hero.”

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The investigator of the National Criminal Agency (NAKA) has now charged him with defamation of the nation, race and belief, and the incitement of hatred towards nation, race and ethnicity.

“Although the Supreme Court decided that the extremist statements of ex-MP Milan Mazurek are a crime and he was sentenced for them, Robert F. is said to publicly agree with them and share his opinion on the social networks,” the police wrote on Facebook.

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