27. January 2020 at 22:16

Supreme Court remains without president

The vote was public for the first time.

Jana Bajánková was one of the candidates for the post of the Supreme Court President on January 27, 2020. Jana Bajánková was one of the candidates for the post of the Supreme Court President on January 27, 2020. (source: TASR)
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The Supreme Court will have to wait for its new head until late March after the Judicial Council failed to elect its president.

The third vote, which was public for the first time, has failed again. Neither of the two candidates, judges Jana Bajánková and Soňa Mesiarkinová, managed to win a majority of votes.

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Judicial Council has failed to choose president of the Supreme Court
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Judicial Council has failed to choose president of the Supreme Court

“The President of the Supreme Court should be a natural authority both from the perspective of Supreme Court judges as well as the general courts,” Judicial Council President Lenka Praženková said, as quoted by the TASR newswire.

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