30. May 2020 at 09:45

Must-visit from Bratislava: Pajštún Castle

When the weather is nice, it is possible to see Austria.

Pajštún Castle Pajštún Castle (source: TASR)
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Pajštún Castle is located about 25 kilometres from Bratislava near the town of Stupava. It towers above Borinka village. If you want more tips for trips in the Bratislava region, check our Slovakia travel guide.

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The castle's history remains a mystery; some estimate that it was built at the end of the 13th century. It served as the guardian of the surrounding countryside but was turned into ruin in 1810 by Napoleon troops. Pajštún has been dilapidating ever since.

The hike from Borinka to Pajštún is not long, but the final ascent can be a bit demanding. Good weather offers lovely views of Austria and its surroundings.

Pajštún is beloved by many, especially families with children, who often have picnics there.

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