22. June 2023 at 08:41

Cooking with Babička: pagáče, an untranslatable word

Pagáče are a classic Slovak food but without an English equivalent. Biscuit? Scone? Neither.

pagáče pagáče (source: Naomi Hužovičová)
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Some seemingly simple words are difficult to translate directly, pagáče being one of them. In American English, they are something like a biscuit, except made with a yeast dough, not risen by the power of baking powder (although sometimes quick versions for mini-pagáč offer baking powder variations). In British English, as a British biscuit is an American cookie, they could be compared to a scone, except also made with yeast instead of baking powder and savory rather than sweet.

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(source: Naomi Hužovičová)

What are pagáče?

Pagáče are made from a yeast dough that is folded multiple times when rising so that it forms layers, laminating the dough in the same way (but less) than say, a croissant or phyllo pastry. The dough is spread with some ingredient to help keep the layers separate and add flavour - cheese, bryndza, potatoes, herbs with schmaltz, or most classically, ground lard cracklings.

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