10. August 2023 at 01:58

How to make creamy Slovak courgette soup with dill

If you know anyone with a garden, they will gladly give you courgette, also called zucchini.

Creamy Slovak zucchini dill soup Creamy Slovak zucchini dill soup (source: Naomi Hužovičová)
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Zucchini, or courgette depending on the type of English you speak, are often among foods that children do not like. However, in any garden a plant will continuously provide abundant amounts of the vegetables.

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I hide zucchini in sweet breads or muffins or blend it up in soup, but if there are chunks in a dish I have to cajole my kids to try just one piece. I discovered, however, that grating it renders the texture more acceptable, and I was pleased as punch to discover recently that my creamy zucchini soup with dill recipe is my nephew's favourite soup.

Zucchini and dill are abundant in the summer, and this soup is fast to make for those summer days of many plans, and even acceptable for the extra meals you might have to cook with kids home on holiday.

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