12. October 2015 at 21:53

Slovakia qualified for EURO 2016 in France

FOR THE first time in the history of independent Slovakia, the country’s football representation advances to the European Championship taking place in France next year.

(source: TASR)
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The match against Luxembourg ended up with a final score of 4:2. Slovak goals were scored by Marek Hamšík, Adam Nemec and Robert Mak. Mario Mutch and Jans Gerson scored for Luxembourg.

The Slovaks so far have won seven of their ten matches beating Ukraine (1:0), Spain (2:1), Belarus (3:1), Macedonia (2:0), Luxembourg (3:0), Macedonia (2:1), and Luxembourg (4:2). They lost to Spain on September 5 (0:2) and to Belarus on October 9 (0:1), and their September 8 match against Ukraine ended in a 0:0 draw. Slovakia ranks 18th overall in the FIFA World Rankings while Belarus ranks 142nd.

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Game Summary: Slovakia - Luxembourg 4:2 (3:0, 1:2); Scorers: HAMŠÍK, Marek (23:09, 90:00), NEMEC, Adam (29:00), MAK, Róbert (30:00) – MUTCH, Mario (61:00), GERSON, Jans (65:00).

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