12. May 2003 at 09:47

Fico remains leader of Smer

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Robert Fico was unanimously re-elected as the leader of Smer at their annual congress in the western Slovak town of Hlohovec on April 12.

The party's deputy leaders all stay on, apart from Boris Zala, who stepped down as one of the deputy leaders after disputes with the leadership.

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There will be two new deputy leaders, Robert Kaliňák and Pavol Paška, in addition to the three who were re-elected, Monika Beňová, Milan Murgaš, and Dušan Čaplovič.

According to opinion polls, Smer is currently the most popular Slovak political party.

Compiled by Conrad Toft from press reports.
The Slovak Spectator cannot vouch for the accuracy of the information presented in its Flash News postings.

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