12. June 2006 at 00:00

State to finance Sk3 billion football stadium

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THE STATE will foot the bill for the construction of a new Sk3 billion (€80 million) National Football Stadium in Bratislava's Tehelné pole area, which currently belongs to the Slovan football club.

Bratislava's three FCs - Slovan, Artmedia, and Inter - agreed that the new stadium with a projected capacity of 35,000 people should be at Tehelné pole, the Hospodárske noviny wrote.

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The daily operation of the new stadium will be financed by the three FCs and the Slovak FA.

The requirement to build a new stadium stems from new rules that stipulate that, as of 2008, international matches can only be played on pitches of a certain standard. So far, Slovakia lacks such stadiums.

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