12. August 2015 at 09:58

Countrywide events

Tips for events in Slovakia between August 14 and 23, including concerts of world-famous musicians - Tom Jones, Passenger - as well as Slovak performers, a Roma festival with young talents, a car race with Formula 1, operatic festival, gastronomy events, ship cruise, international reggae festival, and more. 

Tom Jones will perform at Bratislava Castle Tom Jones will perform at Bratislava Castle (source: Courtesy of Vivien agency)
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DANUBE CRUISE: Apart from short voyages across the Danube (from the Old Town bank to Petržalka 5 minutes; Petržalka-Old Town 45 minutes), also cruises along the historical centre and cargo harbour are possible, lasting about one hour. There are regular voyages from the passenger harbour to Petržalka, under SNP Bridge, to Lafranconi and back on Thursdays to Sundays until the end of August, and during weekends until mid September; after initial bookings, also groups of over 40 people can have make voyages (at 17:00 in August). Starts: Thu-Sun until Aug 31, Sat-Sun until Sep 13; Passenger harbour (11:00, 12:30, 15:30 (Petržalka 11:10, 13:40, 15:40). Admission: €4.50 (children aged 2-15)-€6. More info: www.lod.sk/en.

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ART EVENT: Club Gallery – This event is part of the exhibition of Slovak artist Peter Berényi, Trying to Forget, and it changes the Club “Dole” into an art gallery for one day – between 12:00 and 19:00. Starts: Aug 14, 12:00-19:00; Klub Dole, Námestie SNP 30. Admission: free. Tel: 0948/106-541; www.klubdole.sk.


LIVE MUSIC: ThebenBound – The repertoire of the Bratislava-based trio is inspired by neo-classical, progressive rock and folk music. Starts: Aug 14, 18:00; summer reading site At the Red Cancer / U červeného raka. Admission: free. More info: www.citylife.sk.

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LIVE MUSIC: Trio Impression – Three female graduates of the Bratislava Academy of Performing Arts play various genres and styles form different periods, from classics to modern and jazz music. Starts: Aug 14, 19:00-20:00; Bratislava city walls across the St Martin’s Cathedral. Admission: free. More info: www.bkis.sk.


CLASSICAL MUSIC: Summer Night’s Meditation – The Hong-Kong Children’s Symphonic Orchestra conducted by Jimmy Chang (Hong-Kong) will perform with Anna Baxter (soprano, USA) and Chryso Makariou (soprano, Cyprus). Starts: Aug 14, 19:00; St Martin’s Cathedral. Admission: free. More info: www.citylife.sk.


CLASSICAL MUSIC: Jánoška Ensemble is a musical body founded by famous Slovak brothers – František (piano), Ondrej (violin), Roman (violin) and Arpád (vocals) Jánoškas with their brother-in-law Júlis Darvaš; they play classical music combined with Latino, jazz and pop. This concert is part of the Viva Musica! summer festival. Starts: Aug 14, 20:00; Old Market-hall, SNP Square 25. Admission: €20. More info: www.vivamusica.sk.

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GASTRONOMY: The 8th year of celebrations of the St Lawrence’s day (Sv. Vavrinec), the patron saint of cooks and confectioners offers a demonstration of the work of professional cooks and confectioners, this time outdoors, as organised by the Bratislava Club- and Slovak Association of Cooks and Confectioners.  Starts: Aug 15, 10:00; Main Square. Admission: free. More info: www.citylife.sk.


BIRD WATCHING: Birds of town parks and gardens – This time the hiking enhanced by bird watching begins in the Horský Park Gamekeeper’s Lodge, leading through the park located in downtown Bratislava. Starts: Aug 15, 10:00 Gamekeeper’s Lodge in Horský park (lasting for about 4 hours). Admission: voluntary. More info: www.watching.sk.


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LATINO/DANCE PARTY: Latino Dance Party offers an afternoon with the La Portella dance school. Starts: Aug 15, 16:00; Eurovea Galleria. Admission: free. More info: www.bkis.sk.


ROMA FEAST: Bašavel – Gipsy Bashavel, the typical Roma feast which also shows the results of a summer workshop for young talented Roma, has moved indoors in its 10th year, but still offers a wide variety of attractive programme, from cooking show, concerts from classical and traditional Roma music to pop, through dance workshop, a theatre performance, screening of movies about and with Roma, art-, puppetry, circus and hand-made workshops, readings of works by Roma authors, and more. Performers and lecturers include chef Zdenka Mahajová, Laco Cmorej and Credance; director Naďa Uherová; Barbora Botošová & Gypsy Queen Project; Agata Siemaszko; Eddy Portella; Terne Čhave (CZ), band Para ft. Sendreiovci; and the children form Fové Maky / Wild Poppies programme. Starts: Aug 16; 12:00; Old Market-hall, SNP Square 25. Admission: €7 (children under 10 free). More info: www.divemaky.sk.

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LIVE MUSIC: Passenger – The successful musicians whose hit Let Her Go belongs among the most played on mainstream radios will give a concert at the Devín Castle, playing older pieces as well as those from his 2015 album Whispers II. He will be supported by Australian Stu Larsen (at 18:00), and local band Genius Locci (19:00). The day before the concert, he plans to play two-three songs in the streets of Bratislava – looking back at his musical beginnings – starting at Michael’s Gate. Starts: Aug 18, 18:00 (20:00 Passenger); Devín Castle. Admission: €23-€27. Tel: 02/5293-3321; www.ticketportal.sk; www.orepole.sk.

Passenger Passenger (source: Courtesy of Orepole)


BLUES-ROCK: My Baby – The music of this Dutch band connects blues and the 1970s in a modern style. Starts: Aug 18, 19:30; Museum of Trade, Linzbothova 16. Tel: 02/4524-3167; www.rockvmuzeu.sk.

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LIVE MUSIC: Tom Jones - The musical legend from Wales, Tom Jones, will perform his world-renowned hits like Delilah, She’s a Lady, or Sexbomb in the special environment of Western terrace of the Bratislava Castle. Starts: Aug 19, 20:00; Bratislava Castle. Admission: €115-€350 (VIP). Booking: www.eventim.sk. More info: www.tomjones.comwww.vivien.sk.


CLASSICAL MUSIC: Iva Bittová & Mucha Quartet – Czech musician Bittová will perform with the Slovak quartet a delicacy for connoisseurs and fans of classical music, Slovak folklore and less traditional fusions – Béla Bartók’s Slovak Folk Songs adapted for vocals and string quartet, as adapted by Slovak composer Vladimír Godár. Mucha Quartet means Juraj Tomka (first violin), Andrej Baran (second husle), Veronika Prokešová (viola) and Pavol Mucha (cello). The receipts will go to the Deti Devína / Children of Devín civic association. Starts: Aug 20, 19:00; Holly Cross Church, Štítová 2, Devín. Admission: €10. More info: www.citylife.sk


CHOIR MUSIC FESTIVAL: The international Bratislava Cantat festival attracts six choirs – from Bulgaria, Indonesia, Finland, Poland and Slovakia – performing at various sites over four days. Starts: Aug 20-23; various sites (including in churches on Aug 23). More info: www.spevackezbory.sk/?page_id=537.


WORLD/ETHNO MUSIC: Martin Bies & Flamenco Clan – Martin Bies has roots in Spain and, unsurprisingly, he focuses on the music of that country, mainly flamenco. He plays his own compositions, but also re-arranged pieces of other musicians, mostly masters of flamenco. Starts: Aug 20, 20:30; courtyard of the Zichy Palace, Ventúrska 9. Admission: €3-€5. More info: www.inba.sk.


MUSIC/TANGO: Ivana Ecetová Trio – Ivana Ecetová specialises in Tango Nuevo, and this trio (Ivana Ecetová-vocals, Iveta Vojtušová-violin, Matúš Ferko-piano) plays this genre, including the tunes of Astor Piazzolla. Starts: Aug 21, 18:00; summer reading site At the Red Cancer / U červeného raka. Admission: free. More info: www.citylife.sk.


WORLD/ETHNO MUSIC: Pressburger Klezmer Band – The famous Slovak grouping plays the central and eastern European Jewish music, Klezmer, while also merging it with jazz, reggae, Latino, folklore, ethno music, etc. Starts: Aug 21, 19:30; Bratislava city walls, close to St Martin’s Cathedral. Admission: free. More info: www.inba.sk.


ETHNO MUSIC: Indonesian music – The concert of traditional Indonesian music, this time by a gamelan orchestra, with insturment called anklung. Starts: Aug 21, 17:00; Main Square. Admission: free. More info: www.bkis.sk.


REGGAE FESTIVAL: Uprising 2015 – The 8th year of the summer reggae (and ska, dub, hip-hop, jungle or drum & bass) festival in Bratislava brings foreign musicians: Jamaicans Bunny Wailer, the last remaining member of original The Wailers, Anthony B, Chuck Fenda and Cham; US Matisyahu and Onyx; as well as hip-hop legends Dope D.O.D., Snak The Ripper and Slovaks Boy Wonder, AMO, Supa, Strapo, Bekim and Majk Spirit; UK’ beat-boxer Beardyman; Shy Fx & Stamina Mc. On Saturday Macedonian Balkan beat performer and producer Kiril Djaikovski will perform, as well as Mad Professor & Earl 16, Soom T & J Star, Mungo’s Hi Fi, Brother Culture, Demolition Man; Irie Maffia, Sara Lugo and Skarra Mucci, along locals Medial Banana, Smola a Hrušky, Fast Food Orchestra, Cocoman, Dr.Kary, Rida Radar, N3O Akustika and others. Starts: Aug 21-22; Zlaté piesky complex. Admission: €50-€120 (VIP). More info: www.uprising.sk. Tickets: 02/5293-3321; www.ticketportal.sk.

Onyx Onyx (source: Courtesy of Uprising festival)


CLASSICAL MUSIC: String band Indigo Quartet from the Czech/Moravian city of Brno this time performs with guests, Andrea Buršová – vocals, Zdeněk Král – piano. Starts: Aug 23, 20:00; Main Square. Admission: free. More info: www.citylife.sk.


JAZZ: The second concert from the series in the Botanical Garden offers jazz, as performed by Slovak musicians – Nikolaj Nikitin on saxophone and Hana Gregušová singing. Starts: Aug 23, 18:00; Botanical garden, Karloveská. Admission: free. More info: www.citylife.sk.


PHOTO EXHIBITION: Black-and-white photographs of Ladislav Sitenský present the lives of Slovak pilots in the RAF, marking the 70th anniversary of WWII, as curated by his granddaughter Adéla Kándlová. Open: Tue-Fri 10:00-17:00, Sat-Sun 11:00-18:00 until Aug 20; MMB, Old Town Hall, Primaciálne Square 3. Admission: €2-€5. Tel: 02/5910-0847; www.muzeum.bratislava.sk.

Orechová Potôň

CAR RACE/FORMULA 1: Grand Prix Slovakia brings, for the first time, Formula 1 (ToroRossoSTR1 of Austrian team Top Speeds with Cosworth V10 engine from 2006, which had been driven by Vitantonio Liuzzi and Scott Speed) to the Slovakia Ring venue in Orechová Potôň in southern Slovakia. Starts: Aug 21-23. More info: www.slovakiaring.sk/novinky/detail/velka-cena-sr-preteky-cestnych-automobilov.


Banská Štiavnica

CLASSICAL MUSIC: Iva Bittová & Mucha Quartet – Czech musician Bittová will perform with the Slovak quartet a delicacy for connoisseurs and fans of classical music, Slovak folklore and less traditional fusions – Béla Bartók’s Slovak Folk Songs adapted for vocals and string quartet, as adapted by Slovak composer Vladimír Godár. Mucha Quartet means Juraj Tomka (first violin), Andrej Baran (second husle), Veronika Prokešová (viola) and Pavol Mucha (cello). Starts: Aug 19, 19:30. Evangelical Church, Radničné Square. Admission: €10. More info: www.kamdomesta.sk.

Banská Bystrica

OPERA FESTIVAL: Operalia Banská Bystrica – The opera festival that was once part of the Zvolen Castle Plays has separated, moving to Banská Bystrica and shifting in date from late June to late August. The programme includes Verdi’s Nabucco on the first evening (with Dalibot Jeenis, Csilla Boros, Roberto Scandiuzzi, and others); the Operalia Talent concert of young musicians on the second evening (Katarína Flórová, Judita Andelová, Pavol Kubáň, and Róbert Pechanec on piano); and the Gala-convert of Visegrad Four singers on the third evening (Terézia Kružliaková-Slovakia; Katarzyna Mackiewicz-Poland; Attila Fekete-Hungary; Jakub Kettner-Czech Republic, with the State Opera Orchestra conducted by Igot Bulla). Starts: Aug 20-22, 21:00; Faculty of Political Sciences of the Matej Bel University, Kuzmányho Street – Aug 20 and Aug 22; Banská Bystrica city hall, SNP Square – Aug 21). Admission: €15-€20 (Aug 20, 22); €6 (Aug 21). Tel: 048/2457-123, or www.stateopera.sk.

Banská Štiavnica

LIVE MUSIC: Fedor Frešo & The Badge – The band (Fedor Frešo-bass, vocals; Marián Lucký-guitar, vocals; Peter Szapu-drums; Jakub Tvrdík-piano, vocals) plays 1960s music, mostly of The Beatles, Cream and Jimi Hendrix. Starts: Aug 21, 19:00; ERB theatre, Novozámocká 27. More info: www.pivovarerb.sk/pivovar-erb/divadlo/pripravujeme/rez-70-fedor-freso-a-the-badge.html.

Banská Bystrica

EXHIBITION/PERFORMANCE/ART: Cross the Lands & Lens in the Eyes – The works of a Slovak-Turkish team of art students combine exhibition/performance art/installation. Starts: Aug 22, 18:00; Záhrada – Centre of Independent Culture (CNK) in SNP Square 16 (Beniczkého Passage). More info: www.zahradacnk.sk.


PHOTO EXHIBITION: The competition of the Association of Slovak photographers (ZSF) evaluating 797 art photos by 126 photographers (including from the Czech Republic, Austria and Ukraine who are also members of ZSF) selected one fourth of them in two categories to be exhibited in Ružomberok until end of August and then to tour Sliač, Košice, Žilina, Považská Bystrica, Senica, Prague and Krakow. Open: weekdays 8:00-17:00; weekends 11:00-17:00 until Aug 30; Liptov Museum, Štefana Nikolaja Hýroša. Admission: €1.50. More info: www.liptovskemuzeum.sk.



TRADITIONAL CRAFTS: Mysterious Levoča – Tajomná Levoča – The culmination of the Days of Master Pavol (hailing the world-renowned local sculptor) will be the event Mysterious Levoča which brings folklore, modern pop music, video-mapping of the town hall’s bell tower, and more to the eastern-Slovak town. Starts: Aug 14-15; downtown Levoča. More info: http://ik.levoca.eu/dni-majstra-pavla-2015.


WINE FESTIVAL: Upper Šariš Wine Festival / Hornošarišský vínny festival – The first edition of this event brings not just wines from several Slovak wineries, but also sabrage – demonstration of cutting off corks with a sabre – and several concerts. Starts: Aug 15, 13:00-20:30; Bardejov spa. Admission: free. More info: www.kupele-bj.sk/kulturny_zivot.


GASTRONOMY: Restaurant day – On the Restaurant Day – a worldwide festival – anyone can “open a restaurant”, or a café or a bar – anywhere. The Tabačka Kulturfabrik venue organises this event for Košice. Starts: Aug 16, 15:00; Tabačka KulturFabrik, Gorkého 2. Bookings: teerza@tabacka.sk; more info: www.tabacka.sk.


OPERA/BENEFIT CONCERT: Operné gala / Opera gala brings to the articular wooden church in Kežmarok (a UNESCO cultural heritage site) Slovak opera singers – performing also abroad – Štefan Kocán, Patrícia Janečková, Peter Kellner and Titusz Tóbisz, accompanied by pianist Júlia Grejtáková. The receipts go to the founding of a rehab centre of the local evangelical deaconry. Starts: Aug 18, 17:00; evangelical wooden church. Admission: 12. Tel: 02/5293-3321; www.ticketportal.sk.


CHAMBER MUSIC: Artis Festival of Chamber Music / Kreutzer Sonata – The third year of this festival brings several events to Prešov, among others also the Prešov native, famous violinist Milan Paľa, playing with Ladislav Fančovič (piano) the sonatas of Beethoven and Brahms. Starts: Aug 20, 19:00; Orthodox Synagogue, Okružná 32. Tickets: MIC Prešov, Hlavná 67, www.ticket-art.sk; or one hour before the concert on the site. More info: www.artis-oz.sk.


LIVE MUSIC: In Vivo – The band combines several musical genres into a “coloured music” style, influenced by jazz, Balkan and Latino music stressed by the use of an accordion. Starts: Aug 21, 19:00; St Aegidius Square. Admission: free. More info: www.kamdomesta.sk.


BEER FESTIVAL: Beer Festival – This event brings to Košice good-quality beer – more than 50 types, from all over Slovakia. Starts: Aug 21-23, 12:00 (Fri); OC Galéria shopping mall. More info: www.kamdomesta.sk.

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