25. October 2016 at 13:42

Regulatory authority decides on national roaming

The details, which involve prices and services between mobile operators, are still not known.

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The Regulatory Office for Electronic Communication and Postal Services (RÚ) has decided on the dispute concerning the conditions for providing national roaming to the youngest mobile operator in the market, 4ka.

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The decision on prices for using the networks of the rival operators however is not valid yet and the parties at the dispute have 15 days to appeal, said RÚ spokesperson Roman Vavro, as reported by the SITA newswire.

RÚ dealt with the dispute after one of the providers of 4ka, company Swan, had not made a deal with the remaining three mobile providers, i.e. Slovak Telekom, Orange and O2, on prices. The authority set the minimal range of services the providers have to provide as well as the maximum price, SITA wrote.

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It also specified the next steps and deadlines that should precede the beginning of using national roaming, but these can change as the providers may appeal, the Sme daily wrote.

Company Orange has not responded to the verdict, with its spokesperson Alexandra Piskunová saying they first need to read it. The remaining two providers have not answered Sme’s questions at all.

4ka, which launched its services last October as a joint project of Swan and Slovenská Pošta postal services operator, currently uses the national roaming provided by Slovak Telekom. The companies, however, could not agree on the final price for services, the Mobilmania.sk website wrote.

While Swan claims they have paid all the sums, Slovak Telekom claims that they have paid only part of the amount, as reported by Sme.

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