31. July 2019 at 14:11

Cynthia of Mexico also helped reconstruct a castle

Foreigners are helping with archaeological works.

(source: TASR/Milan Kapusta)
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Foreign volunteers came to help reconstruct Brekov Castle this year as well. The youngest volunteer is 19-year-old Caroline from France, the oldest is 57-year-old Thomas from Dortmund, Germany. Cynthia traveled the greatest distance, from Mexico, a fresh bionanotechnology engineering graduate.

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They all share the desire to get to know new countries, nature and people. The two-week long volunteer camp is carried out in Brekov by the INEX Slovakia civic association. The leader of the five-member group is Merica from Estonia, who is staying in Slovakia 11 months as part of the project.

10 years of reconstruction

Volunteers are helping with archaeological works at the castle. Their task is to clean the space of the former castellan house in order to preserve and reconstruct it. There are another 25 workers employed via the project of the Culture Ministry and Employment Office. Their main task is to reconstruct the frontal wall of the castle, where more than half is missing.

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