1. May 2021 at 09:58

Glossary: Completing a mosaic of personal histories

The Spectator College glossary relates to the Family topic.

The Greek Catholic wooden church of St. Michael Archangel in Inovce, Sobrance district, eastern Slovakia. Many people from this part of the country left for America in the past. The Greek Catholic wooden church of St. Michael Archangel in Inovce, Sobrance district, eastern Slovakia. Many people from this part of the country left for America in the past. (source: TASR)
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The glossary below relates to the following article:

As they age, Americans’ desire to reconnect with Slovakia grows.

You can find more expressions in our Glossary for politics & business or in the List of names of institutions in English and Slovak.

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Topic: Family

addictive [əˈdɪktɪv] návykový

ancestry [ˈænsestrɪ] (rodinný) pôvod

attachment [əˈtætʃmənt] úzky vzťah, pripútanie

Austria-Hungary [ˈɒstrɪə ˈhʌŋgərɪ] Rakúsko-Uhorsko

Kingdom of Hungary - Uhorsko

census [ˈsensəs] sčítanie (obyvateľov)

central registry [ˈredʒɪstə] ústredný register/evidencia

to be descended from [dɪˈsend] pochádzať z

descendant [dɪˈsendənt] potomok

eager [ˈiːgə] nedočkavý, dychtivý

embark on [emˈbɑːk] pustiť sa do, začať

estimate [ˈestɪˌmeɪt] odhadovať

genealogist [ˌdʒiːnɪəˈlɒdʒɪst] geneaológ

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great-uncle - prastrýko

homeland [ˈhəʊmˌlænd] vlasť, rodná krajina

interpreter [ɪnˈtɜːprɪtə] tlmočník

native [ˈneɪtɪv] rodný, domáci

overseas [ˈəʊvəˈsiːz] zahraničný, zámorský

passion [ˈpæʃən] vášeň, túžba

potentially [pəˈtenʃəlɪ] potenciálne, možno

predecessor [ˈpriːdɪˌsesə] predchodca, predok

present-day [ˈprezənt] súčasný, dnešný

reside [rɪˈzaɪd] mať bydlisko, bývať

revelation [ˌrevəˈleɪʃən] odhalenie, odkrytie

roadsign [ˈrōd ˌsīn] dopravná značka

roots [ruːts] korene (pôvod)

set out - vyraziť, vydať sa (na cestu…)

socioeconomic [ˌsəʊʃɪˈɒˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk] spoločensko-hospodársky

steel mill [stiːl mɪl] oceliareň (also steelworks)

town hall [taʊn hɔːl] radnica

tour guide [tʊə gaɪd] turistický sprievodca

trace [treɪs] zistiť, vystopovať

vital [ˈvaɪtəl] nevyhnutný, životne dôležitý

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This glossary is published as part of The Spectator College, a programme designed to support the study and teaching of English in Slovakia, as well as to inspire interest in important public issues among young people.

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