24. February 2014 at 00:00

Who is Radoslav Procházka

RADOSLAV Procházka was born on March 31, 1972 in Bratislava. Aged 41, Procházka is one of the youngest of the candidates, which he also stressed in the initial stage of his billboard campaign. Procházka was among the first to announce his candidacy, a full year before the term of the current president ends.

Michaela Terenzani


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RADOSLAV Procházka was born on March 31, 1972 in Bratislava. Aged 41, Procházka is one of the youngest of the candidates, which he also stressed in the initial stage of his billboard campaign. Procházka was among the first to announce his candidacy, a full year before the term of the current president ends.

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Procházka has not been in politics for long, especially when compared to most of his main competitors in the presidential race. He ran in the parliamentary elections in 2010 on the slate of the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) and made it into parliament. Later, however, he fell out with the party leadership. He then established what he called a reformist group within the party, named Alfa, but in February 2013 he decided to quit the party altogether.

His time in politics was preceded by a notable career in law. He is one of the most respected experts on constitutional law. As a lawyer, Procházka represented those opposing the dissolution of the Special Court before the Constitutional Court.

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He specialises in constitutional law, European law and the protection of human rights. Between 2004 and 2006, Procházka represented Slovakia before the European Court of Justice (ECJ). Prior to that, he represented the country in the Venice Commission’s subcommission for constitutional justice in 2001-2002.

Despite his split from the KDH, Procházka claims that when it comes to values, he is a Christian Democrat and a practising Christian. He admits he is a traditionalist, but unlike the hard-line traditionalists from his former party, he is slightly more open to discussion, for instance, about non-heterosexual partnerships.

His campaign runs under the slogan: “Strong president. I will protect your rights.”

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