28. October 2019 at 08:42

Brexit: What UK nationals in Slovakia need to know

The UK has been granted a Brexit "flextension" until January 31, 2020. Here’s how the UK’s departure will affect UK nationals living in Slovakia.

Anna Fay


British Union flags fly in front of The Houses of Parliament in London, January 22, 2019. British Union flags fly in front of The Houses of Parliament in London, January 22, 2019. (source: AP/SITA)
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Brexit negotiations can be described as complicated at best, and UK nationals in Slovakia have many questions regarding what their rights will be after the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. In order to address Brexit-related concerns, the British Embassy of Slovakia hosted another informational Brexit session for all UK nationals on October 22, 2019 at the Carlton Hotel. A previous informational session was hosted on April 9.

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British Ambassador to Slovakia Andy Garth and other members of the British Embassy were in attendance. They were accompanied by members of the Foreign Ministry and the Foreigners' Police.

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