4. June 2024 at 15:51

Bratislava has a new road sign - Kiss and Go

What does it actually mean and where to find it?

The Kiss & Go zone improves road safety around the school. The Kiss & Go zone improves road safety around the school. (source: Courtesy of Deutsche Schule Bratislava )
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Today it is quite common for parents to drive their children to school in their cars. This results in traffic jams and dangerous situations during the morning rush hour. To improve matters, the Deutsche Schule Bratislava in the Bratislava district of Kramáre has arrived with a so-called Kiss and Go zone.

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At the zone parents to stop so that older school children can help younger children safely leave the vehicle after kissing their parents, and walking them to the school. The zone is marked with a special Kiss and Go road sign.

The Kiss and Go style zone is not defined in the Road Traffic Act, so standard traffic regulations apply. The road sign is not official.

The safety zone falls under the project of a Bárdošova Street school with German as its language of education, and parents.

“We believe that this project will inspire other schools, towns and municipalities in Slovakia and contribute to a safer environment for all road users,” said Júlia Krechňáková from Deutsche Schule Bratislava at Bárdošova Street, as cited by the Bratislavske Noviny newspaper.

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The initiative is a civic one, aiming to improve safety when children are walking to and from school. Simultaneously, it promotes community spirit and mutual help among pupils, the school believes.

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